About Me

Hi, I'm Sammy Hoque and I'm a computer science student at the University of Leicester. I find myself constantly drawn to the dynamic world of computer science. What started as a childhood fascination with video games evolved into having an intrest for understanding the workings of technology. For me, computer science is where my creativity and problem-solving skills improves. With each line of code I write, I'm one step closer to turning my passion into a career as a software engineer.

Programming Languages
University of Leicester
BSc Computer Science • 3 Years + Industry Year
Computing Fundamentals
Programming Fundamentals
Mathematics Fundamentals
Computer Architecture
Object Oriented Programming
Requirements Engineering and Professional Practice
Algorithms, Data Structures and Advanced Programming
Foundations of Computation

Work/Learning Experience

PwC: Flyin Start

'Flying Start' was a pioneering program launched by PwC in Technology, offering students a unique pathway into the world of technology and professional services. This innovative educational initiative bridged academic learning and practical application, providing a comprehensive industry understanding....

Bright Network: IEUK

I was fortunetly selected to participate in a prestigious four-day virtual programme focused on technology. This allowed me to engage with a community of fellow attendees on the Guild platform to collaborate, share insights, and prepare for the programme. After completion I gained in-depth knowledge of ...


I have strengthened my knowledge on Python 3 and Java on Codecademy, leveraging their comprehensive, interactive courses to deepen my understanding of these powerful programming languages. Through Codecademy's structured lessons, I have gained practical experience in writing clean, efficient code, and ...

My Projects

Quiz App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Work 2

second project

Work 3

third project

See more

Contact Me


+44 7400 298548

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